Assignees methods

The UI Apps SDK enables you to work with Assignees. Assignees is a special object used in Quantive Results to represent ownership. Working with Assignees is the recommended approach when you need to set the OwnerIds property of an Objective, Key Result, or Task to be the assignee Id. The Id of an assignee is the same as the Id of the user or team it represents.

NOTE: Before you start using the SDK methods, ensure you have imported and configured the SDK first.


To get list of assignees use the getAssigneesByIds method. Pass an array of Ids to specify which assignees you need. For example:

sdk.getAssigneesByIds(["assignee1Id", "assignee2Id"]).then((response) => {


To get information for a specific assignee use the getAssigneeById method and pass the Id of the assignee Id as a method argument. For example:

sdk.getAssigneeById("assigneeId").then((response) => {